martes, 5 de agosto de 2008

McCain podría esperar hasta la Convención

William Kristol, editor del Weekly Standard y amigo personal de John McCain, dice en el New York Times que en el entorno del candidato republicano ronda la idea de no anunciar la identidad de su compañero de fórmula hasta el segundo día de Convención Republicana, el 2 de septiembre. How to Pick a V.P.

(...) John McCain apparently intends to announce his pick after the Democratic convention. There’s been thought given to announcing McCain’s selection the day after Barack Obama’s Thursday night Aug. 28 acceptance speech, to try to minimize Obama’s postconvention bounce.

But the current inclination is to wait until after Labor Day weekend, which ends with President Bush’s speech Monday, the first night of the G.O.P. convention. Then the McCain camp would hope to seize attention Tuesday with the V.P. announcement. A strong pick, followed by the V.P. nominee’s remarks Wednesday and then McCain’s speech Thursday, could provide a good launch into the last 60 days of the campaign. (...)

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